Dental Implants San Diego
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Dr. Feffer is the leading Cosmetic Dentist in San Diego . Where Your Comfort Is Always Our Primary Concern. As you'll see on this website, we have an amazing State-of-The-Art Dental Office (with our own lab) that allows us to provide you with outstanding care while often saving you thousands of dollars. However.......what we are most proud about is caring ABOUT YOU. We treat you like family and we're always mindful that our number one priority is your comfort!
Long Business Description
Dr. Feffer is the leading Cosmetic Dentist in San Diego . Both Doctors Dr. Refkin & Dr. Feffer are known for their expertise and professionalism towards Dental Surgery & dental implants. Practicing General & Cosmetic Dentistry in the San Diego area since 1976.
We Can Save You Thousands!!
We can save you thousands and weeks of time because we have our own prosthetic lab right here in the office. Also...because of our revolutionary pricing philosophy we can save you thousands of dollars on veneers!
Visit the website for more details.